Professions of the future
Educational project, of national and international relevance, based on innovative teaching methodologies with the use of digital technologies, also inspired by the model of connected learning and learning based on challenges.
Brief description of the project
Purpose, activity, partnership:
The aim of the project is to create a curriculum for digital entrepreneurship, through an educational path capable of developing interdisciplinary digital skills that are easy to replicate and able to initiate young people towards new digital careers also based on the DigComp 2.1 framework. For primary and lower secondary school, basic skills courses will be carried out in the digital environment with reference to STEM and a conscious use of the Internet. As far as secondary school is concerned, specialization courses will be activated in relation to the study fields of the various institutes involved in the network.
Al progetto, che ha l’obiettivo di realizzare un curricolo per l'imprenditorialità digitale attraverso un percorso didattico in grado di sviluppare competenze digitali interdisciplinari di facile replicabilità e capaci di avviare i giovani verso le nuove carriere digitali.